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  • Is Prophylactic Fixation a Cost-Effective Method to Prevent a Future Contralateral Fragility Hip Fracture?

    A previous hip fracture more than doubles the risk of a contralateral hip fracture. Pharmacologic and environmental interventions to prevent hip fracture have documented poor compliance. The purpose of this study was to examine the cost-effectiveness of prophylactic fixation of the uninjured hip to prevent contralateral hip fracture.

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  • Anatomy and Physical Examination of the Elbow

    Most orthopedic surgeons encounter elbow pathology less commonly than other anatomical sites, such as hip, knee, or shoulder. Therefore, it takes considerable time to build experience and comfort with elbow anatomy and physical examination.

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  • Current Issues in Health Policy: A Primer for the Orthopaedic Surgeon

    Political, social, and economic forces occupy an increasingly larger role in health care. It is essential that orthopaedic surgeons become familiar with the ever-changing landscape within which they practice. Greater comprehension of the current issues in health policy will enable practitioners to appreciate these issues and understand the importance of the involvement of the AAOS in the political process.

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  • Nonsurgical Treatment of Closed Mallet Finger Fractures

    Surgical repair of closed mallet finger fractures has been favored for displaced injuries involving more than one third of the articular surface and for injuries with palmar subluxation of the distal phalanx. This study analyzed the results of nonsurgical treatment for closed and displaced mallet finger fractures with greater than one-third articular surface damage, comparing cases with and without concomitant terminal joint subluxation.

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  • Does hospital surgical volume affect in-hospital outcomes in surgically treated pelvic and acetabular fractures?

    A retrospective evaluation was done to determine the relationship between hospital volume and in-hospital mortality, complications, and length of stay inpatients with operatively treated fractures of the pelvis or acetabulum. Patients were divided into three groups based on hospital volume. High volume centers had higher percentages of patients with one or more comorbidities, but who were less severely injured. Mortality rates were highest in small volume centers. Moderate volume centers had the lowest odds of death. Complication rates were similar between small and high volume hospitals. Length of stay was shortest in high volume centers. In-hospital outcomes associated with surgical-fixation of the pelvis, acetabulum, or both were not uniformly associated with hospital volume.

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